Tres Henry 00a3832886 Adding setup instructions to the quickstart docs.
Implements blueprint horizon-dev-setup-doc-update.

Change-Id: I0d16a5db7b8b7b670e76a99792f744e6ff0e00a2
2011-11-08 09:33:17 -08:00

176 lines
4.8 KiB

Horizon Quickstart
To setup an Horizon development environment simply clone the Horizon git
repository at http://github.com/openstack/horizon and execute the
``run_tests.sh`` script from the root folder (see :doc:`ref/run_tests`).
Horizon assumes a single end-point for OpenStack services which defaults to
the local host ( If this is not the case change the
``OPENSTACK_HOST`` setting in the ``local_settings.py`` file, located in the
``openstack-dashboard/local`` folder, to the actual IP address of the
OpenStack end-point Horizon should use.
To start the Horizon development server use the Django ``manage.py`` utility
from the ``openstack-dashboard`` directory with the context of the virtual
> tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py runserver
Alternately specify the listen IP and port::
> tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py runserver
Once the Horizon server is running point a web browser to http://localhost:8000
or to the IP and port the server is listening.
note:: The ``DevStack`` project (http://devstack.org/) can be used to install
an OpenStack development environment from scratch.
Horizon's Structure
This project is a bit different from other Openstack projects in that it is
composed of two distinct components:
* ``horizon``
* ``openstack-dashboard``
The ``horizon`` directory holds the generic libraries and components that can
be used in any Django project. In testing, this component is set up with
buildout (see :doc:`ref/run_tests`), and any dependencies that need to
be added to the ``horizon/buildout.cfg`` file.
The ``openstack-dashboard`` directory contains a reference Django project that
uses ``horizon`` and is built with a virtualenv. If dependencies are added that
``openstack-dashboard`` requires they should be added to ``openstack-
At the project level you add Horizon and any desired dashboards to your
Then you add a single line to your project's ``urls.py``::
url(r'', include(horizon.urls)),
Those urls are automatically constructed based on the registered Horizon apps.
If a different URL structure is desired it can be constructed by hand.
Pre-built template tags generate navigation. In your ``nav.html``
template you might have the following::
{% load horizon %}
<div class='nav'>
{% horizon_main_nav %}
And in your ``sidebar.html`` you might have::
{% load horizon %}
<div class='sidebar'>
{% horizon_dashboard_nav %}
These template tags are aware of the current "active" dashboard and panel
via template context variables and will render accordingly.
An application would have the following structure (we'll use syspanel as
an example)::
|---dashboard.py <-----Registers the app with Horizon and sets dashboard properties
|---panel.py <-----Registers the panel in the app and defines panel properties
|---api.py <-------Optional additional API methods for non-core services
Dashboard Classes
Inside of ``dashboard.py`` you would have a class definition and the registration
import horizon
class Syspanel(horizon.Dashboard):
name = "Syspanel" # Appears in navigation
slug = 'syspanel' # Appears in url
panels = ('overview', 'services', 'instances', 'flavors', 'images',
'tenants', 'users', 'quotas',)
default_panel = 'overview'
roles = ('admin',) # Provides RBAC at the dashboard-level
Panel Classes
To connect a :class:`~horizon.Panel` with a :class:`~horizon.Dashboard` class
you register it in a ``panels.py`` file like so::
import horizon
from horizon.dashboard.syspanel import dashboard
class Images(horizon.Panel):
name = "Images"
slug = 'images'
roles = ('admin', 'my_other_role',) # Fine-grained RBAC per-panel
# You could also register your panel with another application's dashboard
By default a :class:`~horizon.Panel` class looks for a ``urls.py`` file in the
same directory as ``panel.py`` to include in the rollup of url patterns from
panels to dashboards to Horizon, resulting in a wholly extensible, configurable
URL structure.