blueprint nvp-l3-api This patch adds supports the Quantum L3 API extension to the nicira NVP Quantum Plugin. The patch includes code for managing Quantum routers, router interfaces, external gateways, and floating IPs, and for applying the relevant configurations on the NVP controller using the NVP API. The patch also includes NVP-specific support for access to the nova metadata server via injection of a host route in VM instances. Change-Id: I20b45190f1eaca0229d30871b25484b90298a18b
490 lines
21 KiB
490 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2012 Nicira Networks, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import urlparse
from quantum.openstack.common import log as logging
from quantum.openstack.common import uuidutils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FakeClient:
SECPROF_RESOURCE = 'securityprofile'
LSWITCH_STATUS = 'lswitchstatus'
LROUTER_STATUS = 'lrouterstatus'
LSWITCH_LPORT_RESOURCE = 'lswitch_lport'
LROUTER_LPORT_RESOURCE = 'lrouter_lport'
LROUTER_NAT_RESOURCE = 'lrouter_nat'
LSWITCH_LPORT_STATUS = 'lswitch_lportstatus'
LSWITCH_LPORT_ATT = 'lswitch_lportattachment'
LROUTER_LPORT_STATUS = 'lrouter_lportstatus'
LROUTER_LPORT_ATT = 'lrouter_lportattachment'
LSWITCH_RESOURCE: "fake_get_lswitch.json",
LSWITCH_LPORT_RESOURCE: "fake_get_lswitch_lport.json",
LSWITCH_LPORT_STATUS: "fake_get_lswitch_lport_status.json",
LSWITCH_LPORT_ATT: "fake_get_lswitch_lport_att.json",
LROUTER_RESOURCE: "fake_get_lrouter.json",
LROUTER_LPORT_RESOURCE: "fake_get_lrouter_lport.json",
LROUTER_LPORT_STATUS: "fake_get_lrouter_lport_status.json",
LROUTER_LPORT_ATT: "fake_get_lrouter_lport_att.json",
LROUTER_STATUS: "fake_get_lrouter_status.json",
LROUTER_NAT_RESOURCE: "fake_get_lrouter_nat.json"
LSWITCH_RESOURCE: "fake_post_lswitch.json",
LROUTER_RESOURCE: "fake_post_lrouter.json",
LSWITCH_LPORT_RESOURCE: "fake_post_lswitch_lport.json",
LROUTER_LPORT_RESOURCE: "fake_post_lrouter_lport.json",
LROUTER_NAT_RESOURCE: "fake_post_lrouter_nat.json",
SECPROF_RESOURCE: "fake_post_security_profile.json"
LSWITCH_RESOURCE: "fake_post_lswitch.json",
LROUTER_RESOURCE: "fake_post_lrouter.json",
LSWITCH_LPORT_RESOURCE: "fake_post_lswitch_lport.json",
LROUTER_LPORT_RESOURCE: "fake_post_lrouter_lport.json",
LROUTER_NAT_RESOURCE: "fake_post_lrouter_nat.json",
LSWITCH_LPORT_ATT: "fake_put_lswitch_lport_att.json",
LROUTER_LPORT_ATT: "fake_put_lrouter_lport_att.json",
SECPROF_RESOURCE: "fake_post_security_profile.json"
LSWITCH_LPORT_RESOURCE: ['LogicalPortAttachment'],
LROUTER_LPORT_RESOURCE: ['LogicalPortAttachment'],
_fake_lswitch_dict = {}
_fake_lrouter_dict = {}
_fake_lswitch_lport_dict = {}
_fake_lrouter_lport_dict = {}
_fake_lrouter_nat_dict = {}
_fake_lswitch_lportstatus_dict = {}
_fake_lrouter_lportstatus_dict = {}
_fake_securityprofile_dict = {}
def __init__(self, fake_files_path):
self.fake_files_path = fake_files_path
def _get_tag(self, resource, scope):
tags = [tag['tag'] for tag in resource['tags']
if tag['scope'] == scope]
return len(tags) > 0 and tags[0]
def _get_filters(self, querystring):
if not querystring:
return (None, None)
params = urlparse.parse_qs(querystring)
tag_filter = None
attr_filter = None
if 'tag' in params and 'tag_scope' in params:
tag_filter = {'scope': params['tag_scope'][0],
'tag': params['tag'][0]}
elif 'uuid' in params:
attr_filter = {'uuid': params['uuid'][0]}
return (tag_filter, attr_filter)
def _add_lswitch(self, body):
fake_lswitch = json.loads(body)
fake_lswitch['uuid'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
self._fake_lswitch_dict[fake_lswitch['uuid']] = fake_lswitch
# put the tenant_id and the zone_uuid in the main dict
# for simplyfying templating
zone_uuid = fake_lswitch['transport_zones'][0]['zone_uuid']
fake_lswitch['zone_uuid'] = zone_uuid
fake_lswitch['tenant_id'] = self._get_tag(fake_lswitch, 'os_tid')
fake_lswitch['lport_count'] = 0
return fake_lswitch
def _add_lrouter(self, body):
fake_lrouter = json.loads(body)
fake_lrouter['uuid'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
self._fake_lrouter_dict[fake_lrouter['uuid']] = fake_lrouter
fake_lrouter['tenant_id'] = self._get_tag(fake_lrouter, 'os_tid')
fake_lrouter['lport_count'] = 0
default_nexthop = fake_lrouter['routing_config'].get(
fake_lrouter['default_next_hop'] = default_nexthop.get(
'gateway_ip_address', '')
return fake_lrouter
def _add_lswitch_lport(self, body, ls_uuid):
fake_lport = json.loads(body)
new_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
fake_lport['uuid'] = new_uuid
# put the tenant_id and the ls_uuid in the main dict
# for simplyfying templating
fake_lport['ls_uuid'] = ls_uuid
fake_lport['tenant_id'] = self._get_tag(fake_lport, 'os_tid')
fake_lport['quantum_port_id'] = self._get_tag(fake_lport,
fake_lport['quantum_device_id'] = self._get_tag(fake_lport, 'vm_id')
self._fake_lswitch_lport_dict[fake_lport['uuid']] = fake_lport
fake_lswitch = self._fake_lswitch_dict[ls_uuid]
fake_lswitch['lport_count'] += 1
fake_lport_status = fake_lport.copy()
fake_lport_status['ls_tenant_id'] = fake_lswitch['tenant_id']
fake_lport_status['ls_uuid'] = fake_lswitch['uuid']
fake_lport_status['ls_name'] = fake_lswitch['display_name']
fake_lport_status['ls_zone_uuid'] = fake_lswitch['zone_uuid']
self._fake_lswitch_lportstatus_dict[new_uuid] = fake_lport_status
return fake_lport
def _add_lrouter_lport(self, body, lr_uuid):
fake_lport = json.loads(body)
new_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
fake_lport['uuid'] = new_uuid
# put the tenant_id and the ls_uuid in the main dict
# for simplyfying templating
fake_lport['lr_uuid'] = lr_uuid
fake_lport['tenant_id'] = self._get_tag(fake_lport, 'os_tid')
fake_lport['quantum_port_id'] = self._get_tag(fake_lport,
# replace ip_address with its json dump
if 'ip_addresses' in fake_lport:
ip_addresses_json = json.dumps(fake_lport['ip_addresses'])
fake_lport['ip_addresses_json'] = ip_addresses_json
self._fake_lrouter_lport_dict[fake_lport['uuid']] = fake_lport
fake_lrouter = self._fake_lrouter_dict[lr_uuid]
fake_lrouter['lport_count'] += 1
fake_lport_status = fake_lport.copy()
fake_lport_status['lr_tenant_id'] = fake_lrouter['tenant_id']
fake_lport_status['lr_uuid'] = fake_lrouter['uuid']
fake_lport_status['lr_name'] = fake_lrouter['display_name']
self._fake_lrouter_lportstatus_dict[new_uuid] = fake_lport_status
return fake_lport
def _add_securityprofile(self, body):
fake_securityprofile = json.loads(body)
fake_securityprofile['uuid'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
fake_securityprofile['tenant_id'] = self._get_tag(
fake_securityprofile, 'os_tid')
fake_securityprofile['nova_spid'] = self._get_tag(fake_securityprofile,
self._fake_securityprofile_dict[fake_securityprofile['uuid']] = (
return fake_securityprofile
def _add_lrouter_nat(self, body, lr_uuid):
fake_nat = json.loads(body)
new_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
fake_nat['uuid'] = new_uuid
fake_nat['lr_uuid'] = lr_uuid
self._fake_lrouter_nat_dict[fake_nat['uuid']] = fake_nat
if 'match' in fake_nat:
match_json = json.dumps(fake_nat['match'])
fake_nat['match_json'] = match_json
return fake_nat
def _build_relation(self, src, dst, resource_type, relation):
if not relation in self.MANAGED_RELATIONS[resource_type]:
return # Relation is not desired in output
if not '_relations' in src or not src['_relations'].get(relation):
return # Item does not have relation
relation_data = src['_relations'].get(relation)
dst_relations = dst.get('_relations')
if not dst_relations:
dst_relations = {}
dst_relations[relation] = relation_data
def _fill_attachment(self, att_data, ls_uuid=None,
lr_uuid=None, lp_uuid=None):
new_data = att_data.copy()
for k in ('ls_uuid', 'lr_uuid', 'lp_uuid'):
if locals().get(k):
new_data[k] = locals()[k]
def populate_field(field_name):
if field_name in att_data:
new_data['%s_field' % field_name] = ('"%s" : "%s",'
% (field_name,
del new_data[field_name]
new_data['%s_field' % field_name] = ""
for field in ['vif_uuid', 'peer_port_href', 'peer_port_uuid']:
return new_data
def _get_resource_type(self, path):
Identifies resource type and relevant uuids in the uri
# The first element will always be 'ws.v1' - so we just discard it
uri_split = path.split('/')[1:]
# parse uri_split backwards
suffix = ""
idx = len(uri_split) - 1
if 'status' in uri_split[idx]:
suffix = "status"
idx = idx - 1
elif 'attachment' in uri_split[idx]:
suffix = "attachment"
idx = idx - 1
# then check if we have an uuid
uuids = []
if uri_split[idx].replace('-', '') not in self.RESOURCES:
idx = idx - 1
resource_type = "%s%s" % (uri_split[idx], suffix)
if idx > 1:
uuids.insert(0, uri_split[idx - 1])
resource_type = "%s_%s" % (uri_split[idx - 2], resource_type)
return (resource_type.replace('-', ''), uuids)
def _list(self, resource_type, response_file,
parent_uuid=None, query=None, relations=None):
(tag_filter, attr_filter) = self._get_filters(query)
with open("%s/%s" % (self.fake_files_path, response_file)) as f:
response_template = f.read()
res_dict = getattr(self, '_fake_%s_dict' % resource_type)
if parent_uuid == '*':
parent_uuid = None
def _attr_match(res_uuid):
if not attr_filter:
return True
item = res_dict[res_uuid]
for (attr, value) in attr_filter.iteritems():
if item.get(attr) != value:
return False
return True
def _tag_match(res_uuid):
if not tag_filter:
return True
return any([x['scope'] == tag_filter['scope'] and
x['tag'] == tag_filter['tag']
for x in res_dict[res_uuid]['tags']])
def _lswitch_match(res_uuid):
# verify that the switch exist
if parent_uuid and not parent_uuid in self._fake_lswitch_dict:
raise Exception(_("lswitch:%s not found" % parent_uuid))
if (not parent_uuid
or res_dict[res_uuid].get('ls_uuid') == parent_uuid):
return True
return False
def _lrouter_match(res_uuid):
# verify that the router exist
if parent_uuid and not parent_uuid in self._fake_lrouter_dict:
raise Exception(_("lrouter:%s not found" % parent_uuid))
if (not parent_uuid or
res_dict[res_uuid].get('lr_uuid') == parent_uuid):
return True
return False
def _build_item(resource):
item = json.loads(response_template % resource)
if relations:
for relation in relations:
self._build_relation(resource, item,
resource_type, relation)
return item
for item in res_dict.itervalues():
if 'tags' in item:
item['tags_json'] = json.dumps(item['tags'])
if resource_type in (self.LSWITCH_LPORT_RESOURCE,
parent_func = _lswitch_match
elif resource_type in (self.LROUTER_LPORT_RESOURCE,
parent_func = _lrouter_match
parent_func = lambda x: True
items = [_build_item(res_dict[res_uuid])
for res_uuid in res_dict
if (parent_func(res_uuid) and
_tag_match(res_uuid) and
return json.dumps({'results': items,
'result_count': len(items)})
def _show(self, resource_type, response_file,
uuid1, uuid2=None, relations=None):
target_uuid = uuid2 or uuid1
with open("%s/%s" % (self.fake_files_path, response_file)) as f:
response_template = f.read()
res_dict = getattr(self, '_fake_%s_dict' % resource_type)
for item in res_dict.itervalues():
if 'tags' in item:
item['tags_json'] = json.dumps(item['tags'])
items = [json.loads(response_template % res_dict[res_uuid])
for res_uuid in res_dict if res_uuid == target_uuid]
if items:
return json.dumps(items[0])
raise Exception("show: resource %s:%s not found" %
(resource_type, target_uuid))
def handle_get(self, url):
#TODO(salvatore-orlando): handle field selection
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(res_type, uuids) = self._get_resource_type(parsedurl.path)
relations = urlparse.parse_qs(parsedurl.query).get('relations')
response_file = self.FAKE_GET_RESPONSES.get(res_type)
if not response_file:
raise Exception("resource not found")
if 'lport' in res_type or 'nat' in res_type:
if len(uuids) > 1:
return self._show(res_type, response_file, uuids[0],
uuids[1], relations=relations)
return self._list(res_type, response_file, uuids[0],
query=parsedurl.query, relations=relations)
elif ('lswitch' in res_type or 'lrouter' in res_type
or self.SECPROF_RESOURCE in res_type):
if len(uuids) > 0:
return self._show(res_type, response_file, uuids[0],
return self._list(res_type, response_file,
raise Exception("unknown resource:%s" % res_type)
def handle_post(self, url, body):
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(res_type, uuids) = self._get_resource_type(parsedurl.path)
response_file = self.FAKE_POST_RESPONSES.get(res_type)
if not response_file:
raise Exception("resource not found")
with open("%s/%s" % (self.fake_files_path, response_file)) as f:
response_template = f.read()
add_resource = getattr(self, '_add_%s' % res_type)
args = [body]
if len(uuids):
response = response_template % add_resource(*args)
return response
def handle_put(self, url, body):
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(res_type, uuids) = self._get_resource_type(parsedurl.path)
response_file = self.FAKE_PUT_RESPONSES.get(res_type)
if not response_file:
raise Exception("resource not found")
with open("%s/%s" % (self.fake_files_path, response_file)) as f:
response_template = f.read()
# Manage attachment operations
is_attachment = False
if res_type.endswith('attachment'):
is_attachment = True
res_type = res_type[:res_type.index('attachment')]
res_dict = getattr(self, '_fake_%s_dict' % res_type)
resource = res_dict[uuids[-1]]
if not is_attachment:
relations = resource.get("_relations")
if not relations:
relations = {}
relations['LogicalPortAttachment'] = json.loads(body)
resource['_relations'] = relations
body_2 = json.loads(body)
if body_2['type'] == "PatchAttachment":
# We need to do a trick here
if self.LROUTER_RESOURCE in res_type:
res_type_2 = res_type.replace(self.LROUTER_RESOURCE,
elif self.LSWITCH_RESOURCE in res_type:
res_type_2 = res_type.replace(self.LSWITCH_RESOURCE,
res_dict_2 = getattr(self, '_fake_%s_dict' % res_type_2)
body_2['peer_port_uuid'] = uuids[-1]
resource_2 = res_dict_2[json.loads(body)['peer_port_uuid']]
relations_2 = resource_2.get("_relations")
if not relations_2:
relations_2 = {}
relations_2['LogicalPortAttachment'] = body_2
resource_2['_relations'] = relations_2
elif body_2['type'] == "L3GatewayAttachment":
resource['attachment_gwsvc_uuid'] = (
if not is_attachment:
response = response_template % resource
if res_type == self.LROUTER_LPORT_RESOURCE:
lr_uuid = uuids[0]
ls_uuid = None
elif res_type == self.LSWITCH_LPORT_RESOURCE:
ls_uuid = uuids[0]
lr_uuid = None
lp_uuid = uuids[1]
response = response_template % self._fill_attachment(
json.loads(body), ls_uuid, lr_uuid, lp_uuid)
return response
def handle_delete(self, url):
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(res_type, uuids) = self._get_resource_type(parsedurl.path)
response_file = self.FAKE_PUT_RESPONSES.get(res_type)
if not response_file:
raise Exception("resource not found")
res_dict = getattr(self, '_fake_%s_dict' % res_type)
del res_dict[uuids[-1]]
return ""
def fake_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
method = args[0]
handler = getattr(self, "handle_%s" % method.lower())
return handler(*args[1:])
def reset_all(self):