New utility to create a DHCP edge for a network that curently doens't have one because of some setup mismatch (for example - the edge is stuck on PENDING_CREATE) Usage: nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o nsx-recreate --property net-id=5253ae45-75b4... Change-Id: If7c15792765f5da8044ada4c8c9d7fd84ed26784
9.3 KiB
Admin Utility
The NSXv and the NSXv3 support the nsxadmin utility. This enables and administrator to determine and rectify inconsistencies between the Neutron DB and the NSX. usage: nsxadmin -r <resources> -o <operation>
The following resources are supported: 'security-groups', 'edges', 'networks', 'firewall-sections', 'orphaned-edges', 'spoofguard-policy', 'missing-edges', 'backup-edges', 'nsx-security-groups', 'dhcp-binding' and 'metadata'
List backend NSX edges with their id, name and some more information:
nsxadmin -r edges -o nsx-list
List backend NSX edges with more details:
nsxadmin -r edges -o nsx-list --verbose
Neutron list:
nsxadmin -r edges -o neutron-list
Update Resource pool / Datastore on all edges in the backend. This utility can update resource pool and datastore ID of all edges to the nsx.ini configuration:
nsxadmin -r edges -o nsx-update-all --property appliances=True
Update Resource pool / Datastore / edge HA of an edge: This utility can be used on upgrade after the customer added ha_datastore_id to the nsx.ini configuration or after changing the resource pool / data store globally or per availability zone. This Utility can update the deployment of existing edges:
nsxadmin -r edges -o nsx-update --property edge-id=<edge-id> --property appliances=True
Update the size of an edge:
nsxadmin -r edges -o nsx-update --property edge-id=edge-55 --property size=compact
Update the high availability of an edge: enable/disable high availability of an edge:
nsxadmin -r edges -o nsx-update --property edge-id=edge-55 --property highavailability=<True/False>
Update syslog config on edge (syslog-proto and syslog-server2 are optional):
nsxadmin -o nsx-update -r edges -p edge-id=edge-55 --property syslog-server=<server ip> --property syslog-server2=<server ip> --property syslog-proto=<tcp|udp>
Delete syslog config on edge:
nsxadmin -o nsx-update -r edges -p edge-id=edge-55 --property syslog-server=none
Enable logging with specified log level for specific module (routing, dns, dhcp, highavailability, loadbalancer) on edge:
nsxadmin -o nsx-update -r edges -p edge-id=edge-55 --property routing-log-level=debug
Enable logging with specified log level for all supported modules on edge:
nsxadmin -o nsx-update -r edges -p edge-id=edge-55 --property log-level=debug
Disable logging on edge:
nsxadmin -o nsx-update -r edges -p edge-id=edge-55 --property log-level=none
Update reservations of an edge:
nsxadmin -o nsx-update -r edges -p edge-id=edge-55 --property resource=<cpu|memory> --property limit=<limit> --property reservation=<reservation> --property shares=<shares>
Orphaned Edges
List orphaned edges (exist on NSXv backend but don't have a corresponding binding in Neutron DB):
nsxadmin -r orphaned-edges -o list
Clean orphaned edges (delete edges from NSXv backend):
nsxadmin -r orphaned-edges -o clean
Missing Edges
List missing edges on NSX. This includes missing networks on those edges:
nsxadmin -r missing-edges -o list
Backup Edges
List backend backup edges with their id, name and some more information:
nsxadmin -r backup-edges -o list
Delete backup edge:
nsxadmin -r backup-edges -o clean --property edge-id=edge-9
List Edge name mismatches between DB and backend, and backup edges that are missing from the backend:
nsxadmin -r backup-edges -o list-mismatches
Fix Edge name mismatch between DB and backend by updating the name on the backend:
nsxadmin -r backup-edges -o fix-mismatch --property edge-id=edge-9
Delete a backup edge from the DB and NSX by it's router ID:
nsxadmin -r backup-edges -o neutron-clean --property router-id=backup-26ab1a3a-d73d
DHCP Bindings
List missing DHCP bindings: list dhcp edges that are missing from the NSXv backend:
nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o list
Update DHCP bindings on an edge:
nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o nsx-update --property edge-id=edge-15
Recreate DHCP edge by moving all the networks to other edges:
nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o nsx-recreate --property edge-id=edge-222
Recreate DHCP edge for a specific network (when the edge does not exist):
nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o nsx-recreate --property net-id=5253ae45-75b4-4489-8aa1-6a9e1cfa80a6
Recreate a router edge by moving the router/s to other edge/s:
nsxadmin -r routers -o nsx-recreate --property edge-id=edge-308
Ability to update or get the teaming policy for a DVS:
nsxadmin -r networks -o nsx-update --property dvs-id=<id> --property teamingpolicy=<policy>
List backend networks and their network morefs:
nsxadmin -r networks -o list
Missing Networks
List networks which are missing from the backend:
nsxadmin -r missing-networks -o list
Orphaned Networks
List networks which are missing from the neutron DB:
nsxadmin -r orphaned-networks -o list
Delete a backend network by it's moref:
nsxadmin -r orphaned-networks -o nsx-clean --property moref=<moref>
Security Groups, Firewall and Spoofguard
Security groups. This adds support to list security-groups mappings and miss-matches between the mappings and backend resources as: firewall-sections and nsx-security-groups:
nsxadmin --resource security-groups --operation list nsxadmin -r nsx-security-groups -o {list, list-missmatches} nsxadmin -r firewall-sections -o {list, list-missmatches}
Spoofguard support:
nsxadmin -r spoofguard-policy -o list-mismatches nsxadmin -r spoofguard-policy -o clean --property policy-id=spoofguardpolicy-10 nsxadmin -r spoofguard-policy -o list --property reverse (entries defined on NSXv and not in Neutron)
Migrate a security group from using rules to using a policy
nsxadmin -r security-groups -o migrate-to-policy --property policy-id=policy-10 --property security-group-id=733f0741-fa2c-4b32-811c-b78e4dc8ec39
Update loadbalancer members on router and DHCP edges:
nsxadmin -r metadata -o nsx-update
Update shared secret on router and DHCP edges:
nsxadmin -r metadata -o nsx-update-secret
Retrieve metadata connectivity - optionally for a specific network:
nsxadmin -r metadata -o status [--property network_id=<net_id>]
The following resources are supported: 'security-groups', 'routers', 'networks', 'nsx-security-groups', 'dhcp-binding', 'metadata-proxy', 'orphaned-dhcp-servers', and 'ports'.
List missing networks:
nsxadmin -r networks -o list-mismatches
List missing routers:
nsxadmin -r routers -o list-mismatches
List missing ports, and ports that exist on backend but without the expected switch profiles:
nsxadmin -r ports -o list-mismatches
Update the VMs ports on the backend after migrating nsx-v -> nsx-v3:
nsxadmin -r ports -o nsx-migrate-v-v3
Security Groups
List backed security groups:
nsx -r security-groups -o nsx-list
List neutron DB security groups:
nsx -r security-groups -o neutron-list
List both backend and neutron security groups:
nsx -r security-groups -o list
Cleanup NSX backend sections and nsgroups:
nsx -r security-groups -o nsx-clean
Cleanup Neutron DB security groups:
nsx -r security-groups -o neutron-clean
Cleanup both Neutron DB security groups and NSX backend sections and nsgroups:
nsx -r security-groups -o clean
Update NSX security groups dynamic criteria for NSXv3 CrossHairs:
nsx -r nsx-security-groups -o migrate-to-dynamic-criteria
Metadata Proxy
List version 1.0.0 metadata networks in Neutron:
nsxadmin -r metadata-proxy -o list
Resync metadata proxies for NSXv3 version 1.1.0 and above:
nsxadmin -r metadata-proxy -o nsx-update --property metadata_proxy_uuid=<metadata_proxy_uuid>
DHCP Bindings
List DHCP bindings in Neutron:
nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o list
Resync DHCP bindings for NSXv3 version 1.1.0 and above:
nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o nsx-update --property dhcp_profile_uuid=<dhcp_profile_uuid>
Orphaned DHCP Servers
List orphaned DHCP servers (exist on NSXv3 backend but don't have a corresponding binding in Neutron DB):
nsxadmin -r orphaned-dhcp-servers -o nsx-list
Clean orphaned DHCP servers (delete logical DHCP servers from NSXv3 backend):
nsxadmin -r orphaned-dhcp-servers -o nsx-clean
Upgrade Steps (Version 1.0.0 to Version 1.1.0)
Upgrade NSX backend from version 1.0.0 to version 1.1.0
Create a DHCP-Profile and a Metadata-Proxy in NSX backend
Stop Neutron
Install version 1.1.0 Neutron plugin
Run admin tools to migrate version 1.0.0 objects to version 1.1.0 objects
nsxadmin -r metadata-proxy -o nsx-update --property metadata_proxy_uuid=<UUID of Metadata-Proxy created in Step 2>
nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o nsx-update --property dhcp_profile_uuid=<UUID of DHCP-Profile created in Step 2>
Start Neutron
Make sure /etc/nova/nova.conf has metadata_proxy_shared_secret = <Secret of Metadata-Proxy created in Step 2>
Restart VMs or ifdown/ifup their network interface to get new DHCP options