Adds an RST file describing the functionality if the nsxadmin utility. Change-Id: Ie1bae3f7882cd1ca4e10e5660e16c86675ea3c9e
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Admin Utility
The NSXv and the NSXv3 support the nsxadmin utility. This enables and administrator to determine and rectify inconsistencies between the Neutron DB and the NSX. usage: nsxadmin -r <resources> -o <operation>
The following resources are supported: 'security-groups', 'edges', 'networks', 'firewall-sections', 'orphaned-edges', 'spoofguard-policy', 'missing-edges', 'backup-edges', 'nsx-security-groups', 'dhcp-binding' and 'metadata'
-- NSX list:
nsxadmin -r edges -o nsx-list
-- Neutron list:
nsxadmin -r edges -o neutron-list
Edge Datastore HA: This admin utility can be used on upgrade after the customer added ha_datastore_id to the nsx.ini configuration, in order to update the deployment of existing edges. The new edge appliances configuration will be taken from the nsx.ini, including the datastrore_id, ha_datastore_id, edge_ha. The edge current resource pool & appliance size will not change:
nsxadmin -r edges -o nsx-update --property edge-id=<edge-id> --property appliances=True
Update the size of an edge:
nsxadmin -r edges -o nsx-update --property edge-id=edge-55 --property size=compact
Orphaned Edges
List orphaned edges:
nsxadmin -r orphaned-edges -o list
Clean orphaned edges:
nsxadmin -r orphaned-edges -o clean
Missing Edges
List missing edges on NSX. This includes missing networks on those edges:
nsxadmin -r missing-edges -o list
Backup Edges
List backup edges:
nsxadmin -r backup-edges -o list
Delete backup edge:
nsxadmin -r backup-edges -o clean --property edge-id=edge-9
-- List Edge name mismatches between DB and backend:
nsxadmin -r backup-edges -o list-mismatches
-- Fix Edge name mismatch between DB and backend:
nsxadmin -r backup-edges -o fix-mismatch --property edge-id=edge-9
DHCP Bindings
List missing DHCP bindings:
nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o list
Update DHCP bindings on an edge:
nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o nsx-update --property edge-id=edge-15
Ability to update or get the teaming policy for a DVS:
nsxadmin -r networks -o nsx-update --property dvs-id=<id> --property teamingpolicy=<policy>
Support getting network morefs:
nsxadmin -r networks -o list
Security Groups, Firewall and Spoofguard
Security groups. This adds support to list security-groups mappings and miss-matches between the mappings and backend resources as: firewall-sections and nsx-security-groups:
nsxadmin --resource security-groups --operation list nsxadmin -r nsx-security-groups -o {list, list-missmatches} nsxadmin -r firewall-sections -o {list, list-missmatches}
Spoofguard support:
nsxadmin -r spoofguard-policy -o list-mismatches nsxadmin -r spoofguard-policy -o clean --property policy-id=spoofguardpolicy-10 nsxadmin -r spoofguard-policy -o list --property reverse (entries defined on NSXv and not in Neutron)
Update loadbalancer members on router and DHCP edges:
nsxadmin -r metadata -o nsx-update
Update shared secret on router and DHCP edges:
nsxadmin -r metadata -o nsx-update-secret
The following resources are supported: 'security-groups', 'routers', 'networks', 'nsx-security-groups', 'dhcp-binding' and 'ports'.
List missing networks:
nsxadmin -r networks -o list-mismatches
List missing routers:
nsxadmin -r routers -o list-mismatches
List missing ports:
nsxadmin -r ports -o list-mismatches