It looks like the nodepool README has lagged behind on updates since the release of Zuul v3, so we update it with similar content and also add a TESTING file with verified content. Change-Id: I6923a532e3a702def0595998ea2fab5c067da2fe
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Testing Nodepool
A Quickstart
This is designed to be enough information for you to run your first tests on an Ubuntu 16.04 (or later) host.
Install pip:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
More information on pip here: http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/
Use pip to install tox:
sudo pip3 install tox
A running zookeeper is required to execute tests.
Install zookeeper:
sudo apt-get install zookeeperd
Start zookeeper:
sudo service zookeeper start
Run The Tests
Navigate to the project's root directory and execute:
Note: completing this command may take a long time (depends on system resources) also, you might not see any output until tox is complete.
Information about tox can be found here: http://testrun.org/tox/latest/
Run The Tests in One Environment
Tox will run your entire test suite in the environments specified in the project tox.ini:
envlist = <list of available environments>
To run the test suite in just one of the environments in envlist execute:
tox -e <env>
so for example, run the test suite in py35:
tox -e py35