This directive creates a bullet-point list of all the attributes defined within a file. The idea is to give a quick overview reference for config file options. There are two options to start with -- maxdepth is similar to the TOC option and only shows certain levels of options; prefix allows to filter down to a smaller set of options if required. I've reworked the documentation examples as part of testing this. The various components are moved into separate files. On the main page, moved the config options into the main documentation (and use the zuul attributes :) and pointed out that you can view the source of each sample page to see how to generate what you see. Change-Id: I6b0f414f50428c6e04b3aeb2a2c1f9196de80ce6
529 B
529 B
This is an example job.
This is a variable used by this job.
This is a sub key.
This variable is a list.
This is an item in a list.
This is a variant of example
which runs on stable branches.
This is a job role: example
This is a job variable role: example.foo.bar