Elaine Fonaro 9464009c7e SX or DX/Standard deployment fails.
Minor formatting update.

Added a note in the Prerequites section to prevent fails during upgrades.

Signed-off-by: Elaine Fonaro <>
Change-Id: I7456a0d4100127e93ce30cb337310786981a731d
2022-04-13 09:15:58 -03:00

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Upgrade All-in-One Simplex

You can upgrade a Simplex configuration with a new release of software.

  • Perform a full backup to allow recovery.


    Back up files in the /home/sysadmin and /root directories prior to doing an upgrade. Home directories are not preserved during backup or restore operations, blade replacement, or upgrades.

  • Ensure that the following conditions are met:

    • The system is patch current.
    • There should be sufficient free space in /opt/platform-backup. Remove any unused files if necessary.
    • The new software load has been imported.
    • A valid license file has been installed.
  • Transfer the new release software load to controller-0 (or onto a USB stick); controller-0 must be active.


    Make sure that the /home/sysadmin directory has enough space (at least 2GB of free space), otherwise the upgrade may fail once it starts. If more space is needed, it is recommended to delete the .iso bootimage previously imported after the load-import command.

  • Transfer the new release software license file to controller-0 (or onto a USB stick).

  • Transfer the new release software signature to controller-0 (or onto a USB stick).


The upgrade procedure includes steps to resolve system health issues.

End user container images in`registry.local` will be backed up during the upgrade process. This only includes images other than system and application images. These images are limited to 5 GBytes in total size. If the system contains more than 5 GBytes of these images, the upgrade start will fail.

  1. Source the platform environment.

    $ source /etc/platform/openrc
  2. Install the license file for the release you are upgrading to, for example, nn.nn.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system license-install <license_file>

    For example,

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system license-install license.lic
  3. Import the new release.

    1. Run the load-import command on controller-0 to import the new release.

      First, source /etc/platform/openrc.

      You must specify an exact path to the *.iso bootimage file and to the *.sig bootimage signature file.

      $ source /etc/platform/openrc
      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system load-import /home/sysadmin/<bootimage>.iso \
      | Property           | Value     |
      | id                 | 2         |
      | state              | importing |
      | software_version   | nn.nn     |
      | compatible_version | nn.nn     |
      | required_patches   |           |

      The load-import must be done on controller-0 and accepts relative paths.


      This will take a few minutes to complete.

    2. Check to ensure the load was successfully imported.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system load-list
      | id | state    | software_version |
      | 1  | active   | nn.nn            |
      | 2  | imported | nn.nn            |
  4. Apply any required software updates.

    The system must be 'patch current'. All software updates related to your current software release must be, uploaded, applied, and installed.

    All software updates to the new release, only need to be uploaded and applied. The install of these software updates will occur automatically during the software upgrade procedure as the hosts are reset to load the new release of software.

    To find and download applicable updates, visit the .

    For more information, see Manage Software Updates <managing-software-updates>.

  5. Confirm that the system is healthy.

    Check the current system health status, resolve any alarms and other issues reported by the system health-query-upgrade command, then recheck the system health status to confirm that all System Health fields are set to OK.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system health-query-upgrade
    System Health:
    All hosts are provisioned: [OK]
    All hosts are unlocked/enabled: [OK]
    All hosts have current configurations: [OK]
    All hosts are patch current: [OK]
    Ceph Storage Healthy: [OK]
    No alarms: [OK]
    All kubernetes nodes are ready: [OK]
    All kubernetes control plane pods are ready: [OK]
    Required patches are applied: [OK]
    License valid for upgrade: [OK]
    No instances running on controller-1: [OK]
    All kubernetes applications are in a valid state: [OK]
    Active controller is controller-0: [OK]

    By default, the upgrade process cannot be run and is not recommended to be run with Active Alarms present. However, management affecting alarms can be ignored with the --force option with the system upgrade-start command to force the upgrade process to start.


    It is strongly recommended that you clear your system of any and all alarms before doing an upgrade. While the --force option is available to run the upgrade, it is a best practice to clear any alarms.

  6. Start the upgrade.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system upgrade-start
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | 61e5fcd7-a38d-40b0-ab83-8be55b87fee2 |
    | state        | starting                             |
    | from_release | nn.nn                                |
    | to_release   | nn.nn                                |

    This will back up the system data and images to /opt/platform-backup. /opt/platform-backup is preserved when the host is reinstalled. With the platform backup, the size of /home/sysadmin must be less than 2GB.

    This process may take several minutes.

    When the upgrade state is upgraded to started the process is complete.

    Any changes made to the system after this point will be lost when the data is restored.

    The following upgrade state applies once this command is executed:

    • started:
      • State entered after system upgrade-start completes.
      • Release nn.nn system data (for example, postgres databases) has been exported to be used in the upgrade.
      • Configuration changes must not be made after this point, until the upgrade is completed.

    As part of the upgrade, the upgrade process checks the health of the system and validates that the system is ready for an upgrade.

    The upgrade process checks that no alarms are active before starting an upgrade.


    Use the command system upgrade-start --force to force the upgrades process to start and to ignore management affecting alarms. This should ONLY be done if you feel these alarms will not be an issue over the upgrades process.

  7. Check the upgrade state.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system upgrade-show
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | 61e5fcd7-a38d-40b0-ab83-8be55b87fee2 |
    | state        | started                              |
    | from_release | nn.nn                                |
    | to_release   | nn.nn                                |

    Ensure the upgrade state is started. It will take several minutes to transition to the started state.

  8. (Optional) Copy the upgrade data from the system to an alternate safe location (such as a USB drive or remote server).

    The upgrade data is located under /opt/platform-backup. Example file names are:

    lost+found upgrade_data_2020-06-23T033950_61e5fcd7-a38d-40b0-ab83-8be55b87fee2.tgz

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ ls /opt/platform-backup/
  9. Lock controller-0.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-lock controller-0
  10. Upgrade controller-0.

    This is the point of no return. All data except /opt/platform-backup/ will be erased from the system. This will wipe the rootfs and reboot the host. The new release must then be manually installed (via network or USB).

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-upgrade controller-0
    Only proceed once the system data has been copied to another system.
    Are you absolutely sure you want to continue?  [yes/N]: yes
  11. Install the new release of Simplex software via network or USB.

  12. Verify and configure IP connectivity. External connectivity is required to run the Ansible upgrade playbook. The boot image will DHCP out all interfaces so the server may have obtained an IP address and have external IP connectivity if a DHCP server is present in your environment. Verify this using the ip addr command. Otherwise, manually configure an IP address and default IP route.

  13. Restore the upgrade data.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/upgrade_platform.yml

    Once the host has installed the new load, this will restore the upgrade data and migrate it to the new load.

    The playbook can be run locally or remotely and must be provided with the following parameter:


    The ansible playbook will check /home/sysadmin/<hostname>.yml for these user configuration override files for hosts. For example, if running ansible locally, /home/sysadmin/localhost.yml.

    By default the playbook will search for the upgrade data file under /opt/platform-backup. If required, use the upgrade_data_file parameter to specify the path to the upgrade_data.


    This playbook does not support replay.


    This can take more than one hour to complete.

    Once the data restoration is complete the upgrade state will be set to upgrading-hosts.

  14. Check the status of the upgrade.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system upgrade-show
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | 61e5fcd7-a38d-40b0-ab83-8be55b87fee2 |
    | state        | upgrading-hosts                      |
    | from_release | nn.nn                                |
    | to_release   | nn.nn                                |
  15. Unlock controller-0.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-unlock controller-0

    This step is required only for Simplex systems that are not a subcloud.

  16. Activate the upgrade.

    During the running of the upgrade-activate command, new configurations are applied to the controller. 250.001 (hostname Configuration is out-of-date) alarms are raised and are cleared as the configuration is applied. The upgrade state goes from activating to activation-complete once this is done.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system upgrade-activate
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | 61e5fcd7-a38d-40b0-ab83-8be55b87fee2 |
    | state        | activating                           |
    | from_release | nn.nn                                |
    | to_release   | nn.nn                                |

    The following states apply when this command is executed.


    State entered when system upgrade-activate is executed.


    State entered when we have started activating the upgrade by applying new configurations to the controller and compute hosts.


    State entered when applying host-specific configurations. This state is entered only if needed.


    State entered when new configurations have been applied to all controller and compute hosts.

    Check the status of the upgrade again to see it has reached activation-complete


    This can take more than half an hour to complete.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system upgrade-show +--------------+--------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +--------------+--------------------------------------+ | uuid | 61e5fcd7-a38d-40b0-ab83-8be55b87fee2 | | state | activation-complete | | from_release | nn.nn | | to_release | nn.nn | +--------------+--------------------------------------+

  17. Complete the upgrade.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system upgrade-complete
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | 61e5fcd7-a38d-40b0-ab83-8be55b87fee2 |
    | state        | completing                           |
    | from_release | nn.nn                                |
    | to_release   | nn.nn                                |
  18. Delete the imported load.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system load-list
    | id | state    | software_version |
    | 1  | imported | nn.nn            |
    | 2  | active   | nn.nn            |
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system load-delete 1
    Deleted load: load 1
